Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pics of Kids

So my kids are a little lazy...probably something with the DNA/genetics?  Anyways, we actually had a lunch date again, and this one wasn't with Daddy where we can be "a little bit" late so even with the kids waking up at 9:30 and 10 am, we made it out the door by 10:50 to pick up Yoriko AND manage to meet Auntie Ange in Mountain View ON TIME!  Too bad the restaurant we planned on having lunch at closed and has been replaced... we ended up at Pasta which actually wasn't too bad.  Portions were reasonable and the kids menu was right along the lines of what Maddie and Adam LOVE...PASTA WITH NOTHING on questions asked :)  We don't get to Castro in Mountain View very often, and it has changed so much!  Maybe we'll have to check it out more often.

Oh, and Ange looked great at 33 weeks!  We are very excited since she's having the 2nd Boy out of the AGGers!  (not to mention she's the overachiever who will have a boy as her firstborn whereas the rest of us all had girls...GO JAY! hehehe)  I'd post a picture of her, but I better check with her first...

Anyways, here's a picture of me and the brats after ordering various cakes at our favorite Cosentino's this afternoon...they were singing/chanting "achoo. choo choo" throughout our exit and Yoriko captured this "train" as we were getting into the car.  A man who worked there commented how cute the kids were dressed and how they should have their pictures taken?!
Yeah, well, 103 degrees we'll be spending lots of time in the pool this weekend!  NO COOKING...and no laundry during the day...SPARE THE AIR! ;)

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