Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

As we sit watching the Inauguration of Barack Obama, you can't help but sense what being an AMERICAN is all about...as one person on TV put it: it's no longer about being "_____-american" it's about being JUST american!

No matter what your politics are you have to concede what an historic day it is today.   I get chills from the words spoken by each speaker, and it's not from the 40 degree outside (or looking at those people dedicated...and lucky!...enough to be in Washington).  

We have a new administration....I hope President Obama continues to inspire and bring about the spirit of being American and let our hope for our children ring true:  Dream Big, Pursue Happiness, and You can do "whateva" you want (a la Adam talk but say it to your parents one too many times and end up in TIME OUT! :P).

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